Candidate Statement || Naomi Nakano-Matsumoto

As your Trustee, I have upheld my commitment to keep FUHSD a beacon of equity and excellence in learning. I have championed increased social-emotional learning services; professional development for teachers and staff; maintaining mission and values-based budgeting; strong oversight of our community-supported bonds and parcel tax measures; and during the pandemic, successfully guided FUHSD through school campus closures, remote learning and then the return to in-person learning. As Board President, I led the new Superintendent Search; reviewed and assessed our contracting principles and policies; and enhanced partnerships with our feeder school districts, city governments and community organizations.
I bring years of nonprofit executive management experience; accomplishments in producing innovative programs with successful outcomes; values of servant leadership and expertise in nonprofit governance and ethics. I have served on Santa Clara County Commissions, nonprofit boards, and co-founded nonprofit organizations.
As your Trustee, I will continue to be committed to quality education for all students through comprehensive high schools, educational options, health and well-being services, and safe campuses all through an equity and excellence focus. I respectfully ask for your vote.

Champion quality learning for all students in the FUHSD
Promote social-emotional health and well-being, and safety of all students
Enhance professional development and resources for credentialed and classified staff
Maintain high fiscal effectiveness and resource development to provide quality business functions and support to schools
Outcomes & Performance Measures
ⓒ Naomi Nakano-Matsumoto, 2022
Website by Maddie Matsumoto (HHS 2018 Graduate)
Paid for by:
Naomi Nakano-Matsumoto for Fremont Union High School District Board 2022
FPPC #1450414